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10 Fresh jQuery Plugins and Tutorials 0 Comments

By Piscean
Thursday, March 10, 2011 | Posted in , ,

The popularity of jQuery continues to grow. This means that we’re seeing it used on more websites these days, and there are more developers coming up with new ways to use it. The great thing about that is many of these developers are sharing what they learn though tutorials and plugins. We’re always on the look out for this new jQuery stuff. So for this post, I’ve gathered 10 tutorials and plugins that will help you learn and implement some fresh jQuery effects in your projects.

Beautiful Background Image Navigation

fresh jquery
This tutorial will teach you how to create a beautiful navigation that has a background image slide effect. The main idea is to have three list items that contain the same background image but with a different position.


fresh jquery
Quovolver is a simple extension for jQuery that takes a group of quotes and displays them on your page in an elegant way.


fresh jquery
Lettering.js is a lightweight, easy to use jQuery plugin for radical Web Typography.


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imgAreaSelect is a plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image. It allows web developers to easily implement image cropping functionality, as well as other user interface features, such as photo notes (like those on Flickr).

An HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas & jQuery

fresh jquery
This tutorial will help you create a progressively enhanced slideshow with a fancy transitioning effect, which is perfectly functional in older browsers as well.

Tiny Carousel

fresh jquery
Tiny Carousel is a lightweight carousel for sliding html based content. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. Tiny Carousel was designed to be a dynamic lightweight utility that gives webdesigners a powerfull way of enhancing a websites user interface.

jQuery Panel Gallery 2.0

fresh jquery
jQuery Panel Gallery is a plugin that converts a set of images into a slideshow with fancy transitions.

Collapsing Site Navigation

fresh jquery
Learn how to create a collapsing menu that contains vertical navigation bars and a slide out content area.

Style my Tooltips

fresh jquery
Style my Tooltips is a simple jQuery plugin to better style native browser tooltips.

jQuery Mega Select List

fresh jquery
The jQuery Mega Select List is a plugin that converts a long select-list into a mega-menu style display, which makes it easier to find and select the right option.

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