Bangles,girls love to wear it.It is tradition that the bride will try to wear as many small glass bangles as possible at her wedding
and the honeymoon will end when the last bangle breaks. Bangles also
have a very traditional value in Hinduism and it is considered
inauspicious to be bare armed for a married woman
Toddler to older woman could wear bangles based on the type of bangles.
Bangles made of gold or silver are preferred for toddlers.
There are two basic types of bangles: a solid cylinder type; and a split, cylindrical spring opening/closing type. Primary distinguishing factor for these is the material that is used to make the bangles. This may vary anything from glass to jade to metal to lac and even rubber or plastic.
There are two basic types of bangles: a solid cylinder type; and a split, cylindrical spring opening/closing type. Primary distinguishing factor for these is the material that is used to make the bangles. This may vary anything from glass to jade to metal to lac and even rubber or plastic.
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