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Recognize the Problem with Conventional Treatments, The Example of Tonsillitis 0 Comments

By Piscean
Monday, August 23, 2010 | Posted in ,

The treatment of the tonsillitis on the lines of modern medical system by means of painting and
spraying is both harmful and suppressive. It does not help to rid the system of the toxins, which
are the root of the trouble. In fact it forces these toxins back into the system, which may cause
more serious trouble later on. The correct way to treat the disease is to cleanse the system of
toxic waste through proper dietary and other natural methods.

To begin with, the patient should fast for three to five days by which time serious symptoms
would subside. Nothing but water and orange juice should be taken during this time. The bowels
should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema during the period of fasting. A cold pack
should be applied to the throat at two-hourly interval during the day. The procedure is to wring
out some linen material in cold water, wrap it two or three times around the throat and cover it
with some flannelling.

The throat may be gargled several times daily with neat lemon juice. Gargle made from the
fenugreek seeds is very effective in severe cases. To make such a gargle, two tablespoonful of
fenugreek seeds should be allowed to simmer for half an hour in a litre of water and then set
aside to cool. The entire quantity should be used as a soothing gargle in a day with beneficial results.

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